As recently announced:
I'm excited if you can't tell.
This is the big news for today. The VT Sci-Fi and Fantasy Expo is an event put on by the fine folks over at VT Gatherings. It's a two-day convention-like event where writers, authors, designers, artists, cosplayers, gamers and more show up to nerd out! I've secured my attendance, table space, and I'm even hosting/moderating a panel called "Gaming & Mental Health" with my good friend and colleague Matthieu A.F. Fortier of Cingdom Creations.
I applied and was accepted for a free table space as a Demo/Panel exhibitor only, so I will not be selling ANY items at the event. I will however have business cards to hand out, and I'm trying to secure an order of RHG Stickers to be able to hand out as well. I'm going to bring printed copies of my digital downloads which are available for free on the website, and I may bring a couple playtest demos as well; both a module for browsing or running a one-shot, and perhaps even some early boardgame prototypes!
I'm both thrilled and nervous to be attending as event as an exhibitor/vendor, but I've attended GenCon as a visitor before and handled that okay so, I think I'll make it through just fine! I'm just so over the moon about finally making this happen. I've wanted to be able to go somewhere public and tell people "Hi, I'm John, I write game stuff, yes that's my job" for years now and it's finally happening.
That's not all I did today though, oh no. The web store is thiiiiiis close to being able to be opened to the public. I've got the Red Hoodie Games hoodie, can coozies, and phone cases lined up for the launch of the store, with tons of potential products for the future. I'm waiting on a tiny piece of back-end verification so I can ensure everything will run smoothly. Once that happens, I'll make another announcement, and I'm even planning a 10% off sale for a few hours on launch day, so check back often or follow on Twitter so you don't miss out!
Also in the works this week:
- I'm waiting to hear back from folks at DTRPG about whether or not I should be publishing there at all. If so I'll amend Trouble In Turnrock to be OGL compliant and re-publish. If not, I can take Trouble In Tunrock and release it for free available on my site.
- I'm in the process of outlining a new "Primer To The Universe Of Ados" which may or may not be completed this week, but that I am trying to complete before the end of March.
- I'm starting work proper on the "Town of Two-Posts Supplement" which will be the first original setting piece from Tomarev made publicly available. It is a town supplement, so although its origins are in my universe of Ados, it will be system and setting agnostic enough so that it is adaptable to most home games!
- And finally I'm still plugging away at the character catalog. Maethros I think was the most complex one I've got in the current pipeline, and the others should be able to release on a one-per-week basis until the first collection is complete, and I'll look at how to bundle that up at that time.
It's an exciting and busy time here at Red Hoodie Games. I'm eternally grateful and thankful for everyone out there rooting for me. If you're in or nearby to Vermont at the end of April, come to the Vermont Sci-Fi And Fantasy Expo! I'd love to thank you in person!
